This new release can stand proudly against all rivals. Richard Nance has polished his Pacific Lutheran choristers to perfection. Balance and tuning are beyond reproach, with superb control of a full dynamic range. The soloists’ contributions are another great attraction. Gramophone Magazine Editor’s Choice (Malcolm Riley)
There Will Come Soft Rains
Pacific Lutheran University Choir of the West • Richard Nance
Signum, 2020

BBC Music Magazine Weekly Top 10
DR Danish Public Radio Featured Album
1There Will Come Soft Rains
2New Moon
3Long Road
4Rivers of Light
5Northern Lights
6Only in Sleep
7O, She Doth Teach The Torches To Burn Bright
8A Soldier’s Mother’s Lullaby
9Spring Rain
10My Little Picture Frame
12My Luve Is Like A Red, Red Rose
14Amazing Grace
On the evidence of this disc, the Pacific Lutheran University Choir of the West (PLUCW), under their director Richard Nance, sound entirely at home in this programme of 14 short settings (all in English) by the leading Latvian composer Ēriks Ešenvalds. Made up of undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines, their warm, easy tone, impeccable tuning and beautiful blend right across the vocal range (I can’t resist a shout-out to the gorgeous sounding sopranos) is a perfect fit for Ešenvalds’s music. An important release for the Choir as well as for Ešenvalds. (Philip Reed)
The choir shines when singing as an ensemble, bringing out Ešenvalds's clever vocal techniques superbly. (FP)
This is an enjoyable and well-executed anthology of music by one of the most interesting of today’s choral composers. (John Quinn)